Jessie Wright
Jessie was the OG behind our marketing and systems design. Her work supported several small businesses across Clarksdale. She's since taken her mad skillz to Georgia, and if we're lucky, might come visit us again at Yazoo Jazz Fest someday.

Kayleigh Cornell
Kayleigh is the Most Interesting Woman in the World. She established our partnership with Griot Arts while teaching there and in local schools through TFA. She's previously been a park ranger, and could still move to Alaska at any moment.

Brooke Hines
Brooke is the reason this all exists. She was the original energy that got Shared Experiences off the ground, while finishing her TFA service in Marks MS and studying to launch into New York real estate. She'll forever be our original superhero.
Photographer Extraordinaire: Walt Busby. Thank you!

Colleen Buyers
Colleen's background is in nonprofit & corporate strategy, specializing in ag strategy and tourism development. She first lived in Mississippi over 10yrs ago and has been telling people it's the best place she's lived ever since. She founded Shared Experiences to prove it, and still splits time between California & Clarksdale.

Calvin Steinhauer
Calvin is passionate about educating local students, and empowering them to go away for college – then return with new perspective & energy to build community here. He's known as Mr. Steinhauer to hundreds of former middle school students across town, and is now a Teach for America graduate fellow at Delta State.
Trevon Boulton
Trevon is a Meraki Roasting Co. fellow we met while recording the VoiceMap walking tour. On his 18th birthday he registered to vote, and we and other Griot Arts students got to sing Happy Birthday together. It was one of the best Shared Experiences we've ever had. Trevon is now studying for his final GED exams.
POST SCRIPT (sort of)
Trevon now points out he looks SO YOUNG in that snapshot above. We're proud he and Calvin are now doing other great things -- and we've hired a fabulous team to grow with us in 2023. Meet: December, Amarian, Abryia, Chris, Selley, and our coaches Crystal & Kolby.
They're going to help update this website one day... soon... but til then, please contact us for more details.